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How To Increase Website Traffic? - 10 Ways To Increase Website Traffic

How To Increase Website Traffic

Date First Published: 3rd March 2023

Topic: Web Design & Development

Subtopic: Web Development

Article Type: Computer Questions & Answers

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty Level: 3/10

Learn about how to increase website traffic in this article.

Website traffic can be difficult to generate at times. The main thing that most website owners and marketers want for their websites is more traffic, which means more people visiting their websites. There are plenty of things that you can do to increase traffic to your website. Below are 10 ways to promote and increase traffic to your website.

1. Social Media

Using social media is a great way of increasing traffic to your website for free because it allows you to connect with other people with similar interests, build an online community, and reach a wider audience. If you don't use any form of social media to promote your blog, you should set up accounts and pages now.

You shouldn't just write content and expect that people will find it. Using social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter is a good way to increase website traffic and allow people to find your content. Sharing content that you recently published on your website is a great way to keep readers updated with the latest information and encourage them to click through and check it out. You should also use hashtags that are relevant to the content of your post to will make it easier for people to find posts that interest them and create linked topics in your posts.

Social media is both a paid and unpaid strategy to increase website traffic. The unpaid strategy is to share recently published content on your social media profiles and insert links into your posts to pages on your website. If you use this strategy, it will take much longer to reach new people than paid advertising. The paid strategy is to use paid advertising to reach a wider audience. This does require you to pay and can be expensive, depending on the number of impressions and clicks you want. The benefit of the paid strategy to increase website traffic is that personalised ads can be targeted towards your target audience to show people ads that they may be interested in.

If you have an online store, it is hard for your products to be found by new customers using the unpaid strategy, unless someone searches for your business name on the social media site. For a brand new online store, almost no one would have heard of your business name, so the chances of someone finding your social media page without paid advertising are low, especially when lots of other businesses sell the same products and services and there is a lot of competition.

Another way of increasing the number of people that visit your social media page is to follow other people and comment on pages that are similar to yours. Following other people and commenting on other social media pages is a way of getting their attention as they will be notified when you follow them or comment on their posts. This will also help to build an online community.

2. Reaching Out To Other Blogs

Reaching out to other blogs, which includes commenting on posts and answering questions that people have asked, guest posting, leaving reviews, and affiliate marketing is a good way of increasing website traffic. When you comment on a blog, you can add a link back to your site, but it will usually be a nofollow link to prevent comments from being used to artificially boost the ranking of external sites. The more connections you have with other blogs, the higher the chances of traffic being generated.

When reaching out to other blogs, it is also important to not overpromote your website as that would be considered a form of spam and could have the opposite effect. Instead of getting more traffic to your website, it could push people away. Avoid advertising your website on other people's blog posts and social media posts because most likely, people will not check your website out and your comment might get deleted.

Link building describes the process of getting more backlinks (links from another website to your website) to boost your search engine ranking. This will increase website traffic because backlinks are a major factor that search engines use to determine the ranking of pages in the SERPs. The higher your page ranks in the SERPs, the higher the chances of someone clicking on your search result, which means more traffic to your website. Methods of link building include guest posting, citations, reciprocal links, and broken building.

Link building can be difficult, especially if your website is new or doesn't have much traffic. Getting another website to add a backlink is sometimes a difficult task and requires content to be valuable enough for people to recommend and provide a link to it. You will already need enough traffic to your site for people to be aware of your content and add a backlink to it.

4. Submitting Your Website To Web Directories

Web directories contain an organised and categorised list of websites that are maintained by an individual or group of individuals. If these sites get a lot of traffic, then the chances of someone finding your website in that directory are higher. Web directories can also be used to create backlinks to a site, but they might be nofollow, which means that they won't pass any authority to the linked site.

Web directories usually allow people to request their site to be added to the directory. If you request your site to be added to the directory, you will have to enter details about your website, including the URL, website category, and information about the website, such as the purpose of it. Once you have submitted your request, your site will usually be reviewed to make sure that it does not violate any of the submission policies. This process will take time, depending on the number of requests that the directory gets per day. Once approved, your website will be listed in the directory.

Whilst website directories can be a good way of getting more website traffic, some directories require a fee to have your website listed in the directory and your website might get lost in a list of other similar websites if the directory is large.

This is a paid way of getting more traffic to your website. When you apply to Google Ads, you will have your website show right at the top of the search results for search terms that match your ad. This type of promotion is known as search engine marketing (SEM). Since your ads will appear right at the top, it will greatly increase the chances of someone finding and clicking through your search result.

When you are ready to invest in Google Ads, you will need to enter your ad into an ad auction before it is listed in the SERPs. You will need to identify the keywords you want to bid on and how much you are willing to spend per click on each of those keywords. Not every ad will appear on every search query related to that result and even if your keyword fits the bid quite well, that does not mean that you will win the bidding.

Two main factors are considered by the ad auction to determine which ads to place on the SERP, which are your maximum bid and the quality score of your ad. The quality score is a score from 1-10 that estimates the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. You can find your quality score on your Google Ads account. Bidding too low will decrease the chances of your ads being shown and if no one is searching for the target keywords of the paid ad, you will not get any results from your ads. High-quality ads and high-quality bids win the best placement. Usually, the highest bidder's ads will appear right at the top.

In addition, you only pay when someone clicks through your ad, so if you set up your ads and you get no clicks, you will not pay anything. These are known as pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

6. Email Marketing

Email marketing is the use of email to increase website traffic. This is a good way of keeping in touch with your customers and you can use it to promote things like special offers. These messages are usually sent in mass quantities, such as to hundreds of customers that have already signed up for an account and have opted in to receive emails.

However, it is important to not overpromote your website with emails, such as by continuously sending customers emails. This might cause customers to unsubscribe or delete the emails. Also, do not send spam as sending unsolicited emails can irritate users and get your email address or domain name added to email blacklists.

7. Offering Free Materials Or Tools

Offering free materials or tools, such as a free computer program, a free online class, a free, short ebook, or a tool (e.g. a plagiarism detector that detects whether the words entered already appear on the internet) is a useful way of increasing website traffic as these are likely to gain interest from visitors and encourage them to visit your website again. The only disadvantage is that offering a free tool or computer program will require a lot of coding and it is time-consuming to write an ebook or set up an online class.

8. Creating Good Quality Content

Content is the most important part of a website and is the main reason why people visit a website. Without any type of content, websites would be empty and of no use. Content is not limited to text and can include multimedia, such as images, audio, and videos. Creating good-quality content will increase website traffic and increase the chances of visitors coming back. Visitors often bookmark a page that they find useful to read again. Without any good-quality content, the chances of getting traffic to your website are greatly decreased. Ideally, your content should be at least 200 words per page and not be plagiarised from other sites.

You should also update your content regularly and add new content at least every couple of days. Adding new content will suggest to visitors that the website is being maintained and will increase the chances of visitors bookmarking and going back to your site because they will want to check the latest content. Websites that have not been updated in a few months might be considered abandoned and no longer maintained by visitors.

If you run an online store, your website should still have good-quality content. This is because most people do not visit a website just to buy a product. Ideally, a website that sells products should have full product information, including its capabilities, how to set it up, and how it is used. It should also contain user reviews, star ratings, and comments so that visitors know whether a product is worth buying or not and what other people think of it. Someone who understands a product and has seen reviews from other people is much more likely to buy it than if it was a short page with just the product name, image, and a sentence with no additional information, star rating, or user reviews.

9. Syndicating Your Content

Syndicating your content means republishing it on several different websites. This will increase the number of people that will view it because it's available from more than one place. You can syndicate your content on platforms, such as Medium and LinkedIn. Since these are major platforms that are very popular, more people will be able to view them. Before you syndicate your content, it will need to be good quality and make the source of your original content clear.

If you syndicate it to a very popular platform, readers might check the original source, increasing traffic to your website. Since your content will appear on multiple websites, it will allow you to reach a wider audience.

10. Ensuring That Your Website Is Optimised For Search Engines

A major source of traffic is search engines. Search engines have web crawlers that constantly crawl and index webpages by following links to other pages. Once they have crawled them, they add the pages to the index for other people to find when they enter matching search terms.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) refers to a range of methods to optimise a website for appearing in the organic search results. If your website is not optimised for search engines, search engines might find it difficult to crawl and index all the important pages or the pages might be indexed, but might not appear as they should and look off.

When you create pages, you should always ensure that the title and meta description is of sufficient length and relevant to the page, use the heading tags appropriately, make URLs SEO-friendly, and not use any unethical black hat SEO techniques that can lead to penalties by search engines. For more information about optimising pages for search engines, see this article.


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