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What Is A Host?

What Is A Host

Date First Published: 5th April 2022

Topic: Computer Networking

Article Type: Computer Terms & Definitions

Difficulty: Medium

Subtopic: Network Setups

Difficulty Level: 5/10


Learn more about what a host is in this article.

A host refers to a computer or device that is connected to a network. Hosts are accessible over a network and communicate with other hosts. All hosts have an assigned label, known as a hostname, which is a unique identifier that differs one device from another. For example, an internet hostname is Transport-layer protocols, such as TCP and UDP are responsible for communication between hosts. The hostname could be a domain name or IP address and it allows other devices to access it. Localhost refers to the current computer, which enables the host to access its own data through network protocols.

Note: Info Icon

Do not confuse the terms ‘node’ and ‘host’. A node is a wider term that refers to any device that is connected to a network. However, a host requires an IP address. All hosts are nodes, but network nodes are not hosts unless they require an IP address in order for them to work. In most cases, hosts do not include intermediary network devices, such as routers and switches. These types of devices are considered nodes.

Types Of Hosts

  • Web host – This is a web server that stores the files of one or more websites.
  • Cloud host – This uses cloud computing technologies to host a website. A number of servers act as one system where the performance of the website is determined by multiple servers. Cloud hosts usually include a network of servers pulling from various data centres in different locations.
  • Virtual host – The provision of web hosting services so that users do not have to purchase and maintain their own web server. Virtual hosts often provide users with domain name registration services, email services, web design services, file storage and directory services, and more. This is known as shared hosting as the web servers host multiple websites. As a result, if one website is using up a lot of server power, it will slow down the other hosted websites. The user only needs to have FTP access for transferring files from the computer to the web server.
  • Remote host – These servers are in different locations than the user accessed using the internet. It provides users with remote access. An example of remote hosts is a server that can be logged into remotely.
  • Host virtual machine – The server component of a virtual machine. It refers to the hardware that provides computing resources for supporting virtual machines. It is known as server virtualisation.


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