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What Is Technotrash?

What Is Technotrash

Date First Published: 25th July 2023

Topic: Computer Systems

Subtopic: Ethics & Sustainability

Article Type: Computer Terms & Definitions

Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty Level: 5/10

Learn about what technotrash is in this article.

Technotrash, also known as e-waste, describes the waste created when throwing out technology that breaks or becomes outdated. The constant need to update IT systems has led to increasing amounts of technotrash in landfills every year. It is estimated that 20 to 50 million tons of technotrash are thrown out each year, making up around 5% of waste created every year. Very few discarded electronic devices are recycled (less than 25%).

Although a lot of effort has been made to reduce the increasing amounts of technotrash in landfills, technotrash is still one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the world. It is estimated that the amount of technotrash will double by 2050 at the current rate. Also, the increased demand for electronic devices due to the increased world population has led to an increase in technotrash.

Environmental Issues Of Technotrash

Some types of technotrash are bad for the environment. For example, a smartphone may contain over 60 different types of metals, plastics, and ceramics. The amount of materials means that properly disposing of these electronic devices is complex and time-consuming.

When technotrash ends up in landfills each year, the toxic chemicals used in production can be released into the surroundings, harming people who are exposed to the fumes and the environment. Unlike formal recycling centres, which use expensive machinery to separate materials from waste items, informal recycling centres are often dumping grounds or warehouses where items are often smashed apart and burnt in the open air.

Other Environmental Issues

Outside of the impact of technotrash, there are some other environmental issues caused by technology. The increased demand for electronic devices has increased manufacturing output and increased the amount of energy needed to use those devices. As a result, this will lead to more fossil fuels, chemicals, and water being used, which is harming the environment and contributing to climate change.


Due to technotrash and negative by-products, like greenhouse gases, which affect climate change and cause pollution, it is clear that technology is causing harm to the environment. Experts argue that the best way to minimise technotrash is for manufacturers to make some changes to the way they produce electronics. This includes using fewer natural resources during production and avoiding using toxic materials that cause hazards when disposing of them.

Consumers can minimise the harm caused to the environment by technology in a number of ways. They can look for electronics that use recycled materials, are energy efficient electronics to reduce their environmental impact, and consider all the unnecessary waste that comes from throwing out old materials. Also, finding ways to donate or recycle unused electronics and not just discarding it to end up in landfills is recommended. For example, according to the EPA, recycling enables over 100 million pounds of materials to be reused each year.

Can Technology Help The Environment?

Despite the environmental issues listed above, there are a number of ways that technology can also help the environment. Technology has led to less usage of energy to do things and has saved money. For example, technology has allowed people that are far away to communicate using instant messaging, collaborative online working, social media, and real-time video calls. Before those services were invented, people had to travel long distances or write letters to communicate with someone that was far away or work with them. This required ink and paper and increased people's carbon footprint.

In addition, modern environmental technology enables natural energy to be captured and converted into electricity or useful heat using solar panels and wind and water turbines. This can help reduce the reliance on fossil fuels, reducing the amount of pollution generated by traditional power plants.


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