Date First Published: 11th June 2023
Topic: Web Design & Development
Subtopic: Web Development
Article Type: Computer Terms & Definitions
Difficulty: MediumDifficulty Level: 5/10
Learn more about what the HTML <iframe> tag is in this article.
In HTML, the <iframe> tag is used to specify an inline frame within a HTML document, which loads a webpage inside another webpage. It is useful when adding dynamic content, ads, videos, or other types of content that separately requires a scrollbar. This HTML tag is supported by all major web browsers and is included in the latest HTML5 specifications.
An example of the <iframe> tag can be seen below. It loads the homepage of this website in this webpage.
Below are the attributes for the <iframe> tag.
Attribute | Value | Description |
height | pixels | Specifies the height of the inline frame. |
loading | eager, lazy | Specifies whether the browser should immediately load the inline frame or delay loading it until the user scrolls down to see it. |
name | text | Specifies the name of the inline frame. |
sandbox | allow-forms, allow-pointer-lock, allow-popups, allow-same-origin, allow-scripts, allow-top-navigation | Specifies an additional set of restrictions set on the content in the inline frame. | seamless | Specifies that the inline frame should appear as part of the webpage. | src | URL | Specifies the URL of the page to be embedded in the inline frame. | srcdoc | HTML code | Specifies the HTML content of the page to appear in the inline frame. | width | pixels | Sets the width of the inline frame. |
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