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What Is A Multi-Page Website?

What Is A Multi-Page Website

Date First Published: 24th January 2023

Topic: Web Design & Development

Subtopic: Web Development

Computer Terms & Definitions

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty Level: 3/10

Learn more about what a multi-page website is in this article.

A multi-page website is a website that contains multiple pages, including subpages, additional pages, categories, and anything similar. Multi-page websites are the traditional types of websites that are suitable for nearly every project. Unlike single-page websites, the links within the menu, navigation bars, and the footer must be clicked to navigate to the subpages. Most websites are multi-page and any website that contains two or more pages is a multi-page website. Ecommerce sites, onlinebanking sites, dictionary sites, news sites, and blogs are examples of multi-page sites.

The choice to use a single-page or a multi-page website depends on the type of website as each one is suitable for certain types of websites. The advantages and disadvantages of both should be considered before choosing the one that is most suitable. Single-page websites are great for events, portfolios, and the promotion of products, but the content that can be on them is very limited. On the other hand, multi-page websites are great for websites with large amounts of content and are easy to navigate, but they are harder to maintain and may not be as mobile-friendly.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Multi-Page Websites

The main advantage of multi-page websites is their unlimited scalability. This allows website owners to create as many pages as they want and expand the navigation system if they need to.

In addition, multi-page websites almost always contain navigation features, such as navigation bars, breadcrumb trails, and sidebars since they contain two or more pages. As long as the navigation is easy to follow, users will easily be able to find what they are looking for. These types of websites have been around since the 1990s, meaning that most users are familiar with them and expect to find multiple pages on a website.

However, multi-page websites are a more complex way of displaying content to visitors and are always going to take longer to create than a single-page website. They may not be as user-friendly on mobile devices as users have to go through complicated menus and cannot find everything on a single page. In addition, they are harder to maintain than single-page websites because all of the content needs to be updated, maintained and taken care of across multiple pages, which is harder than only having to take care of one main page. But, with developer support, maintaining a large multi-page website is much easier.


Multi-page websites are better for SEO than single-page websites. Due to multiple pages, there are much more opportunities for multi-page websites to rank in the SERPs for search queries than single-page websites, which only have one HTML page. Also, multi-page websites have much more content than single-page websites, allowing a range of different keywords to be targeted rather than one main keyword that spans the whole website.

Multi-page websites spread out the content between multiple pages. This will reduce the chances of one page being overloaded with content and leading to a long page loading time, which is bad for user experience and SEO because page speed is a minor Google ranking factor. In terms of search engine rankings, multi-page websites are more likely to rise above single-page websites.


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