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What Is M-Commerce?

What Is M-Commerce

Date First Published: 16th March 2024

Topic: Computer Networking

Subtopic: Network Services

Computer Terms & Definitions

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty Level: 3/10

Learn more about what m-commerce is in this article.

M-commerce (mobile commerce) refers to the buying and selling of products and services through wireless handheld devices, like smartphones and tablets. It allows customers to use mobile devices to access online shopping platforms without using a desktop computer.

Examples Of M-Commerce

Examples of m-commerce include:

  • In-app purchases
  • Mobile banking
  • Virtual marketplace apps, such as the Amazon mobile app
  • Digital wallets, such as Apple Pay

Advantages and Disadvantages Of M-Commerce

The advantages of m-commerce are:
  • Increased flexibility. Instead of shopping in stores, users can shop anywhere using wireless handheld devices and request businesses to deliver their purchases.
  • It allows for a larger customer base than ecommerce because m-commerce is more widely accessible. In addition, customer data can be collected through mobile analytics, which offers insights into purchasing habits and location. Collecting this data can allow brands to personalise the experience of their customers.
  • Easier customer communication. With m-commerce, customers can provide instant feedback and receive notifications on their mobile devices. This is easier than using a desktop computer, which requires users to log in to view notifications.
The disadvantages of m-commerce are:
  • Mobile user interfaces and navigation can be complex and expensive to design due to the smaller screens, which require specific navigation functionality. The smaller screen size of mobile devices may make shopping for certain products or services harder.
  • There are security concerns. Mobile devices are vulnerable to security breaches and data theft, which can discourage users from making payments from their mobile devices.
  • Mobile payment options are not available in every geographical location and may not support every type of digital wallet.

Difference Between M-Commerce and Ecommerce

M-commerce is a type of ecommerce. Unlike ecommerce, m-commerce is conducted through handheld mobile devices instead of a desktop computer, which offers greater mobility as they can be used anywhere where there is an internet connection.

Future Of M-Commerce

In the future, mobile devices and technological advancements will continue to grow. M-commerce is evolving and starting to reach a wider audience. This is due to the increasing use of mobile devices, the rise of mobile wallets, and the adoption of new technologies, such as augmented reality (AR), chatbots, and shopping assistants. As a result, businesses that support m-commerce will likely stay ahead of the competition.


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