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What To Do When I Reach An Article Milestone On A Blog?

What To Do When I Reach An Article Milestone On A Blog

Date First Published: 12th April 2023

Topic: Web Design & Development

Subtopic: Web Development

Article Type: Computer Questions & Answers

Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty Level: 3/10

Learn about what you should do when you reach an article milestone on a blog in this article.

There may be times when you are writing a blog and reach a big article milestone, like 100 articles, 500 articles, 800 articles, or 1000 articles. Reaching an article milestone takes a lot of time, research, and work and you should not ignore the fact that you have reached a big milestone. This article explores five things you should do whenever you reach an article milestone on your blog.

Performing the actions below whenever you reach an article milestone is useful for the development of your blogs. For example, if you made it clear that you reached an article milestone, other people might say something like "Congratulations on your 1000th article". Then, someone else might share that and so on, allowing the message to spread to a wider audience. This will also increase traffic to your blog, which will be beneficial for its long-term development and growth.

1. Promote It On Your Blog

The first thing that you should do when you reach an article milestone is promote it on your blog. You could promote it in the following ways:

  • Listing it on your homepage (e.g. adding an image of a big 500 if you wrote your 500th article and saying something like "On (date reached), this blog reached 500 articles".
  • List it on your "about" page. Your "about" page should include a list of article milestones along with the date and the title of the article. Later, you will look back to your milestones and you can also use that data to determine how quickly you reach different milestones. For example, did it take you longer to get from 500 to 600 articles then it did from 100 to 200 articles?
  • Make it clear in your milestone article. For example, on your 1000th article, you should make it clear on the page that it is the 1000th article or else visitors won't know.
  • Make your article special. For example, your 1000th article could be a much more detailed and longer article than your other articles. You will only ever have one 1000th article, so you should make it special and make sure that it stands out from the rest of your articles.

2. Promote It On Social Media

Using social media is a great way of increasing traffic to your website for free because it allows you to connect with other people with similar interests, build an online community, and reach a wider audience. If you don't use any form of social media to promote your blog, you should set up accounts and pages now. When you reach an article milestone on your blog, you should create a social media post about it. This will help boost awareness of it and promote your blog.

3. Promote It By Emailing Other Subscribers

You could make email subscribers aware of your article milestone. This is known as email marketing. Email marketing is the use of email to increase website traffic. If your blog has a feature that allows people to subscribe to a newsletter, you could also use it to make subscribers aware of your article milestone. For example, you could say that you have written your 1000th article on your email newsletter, which should increase the chances of people clicking on the link in your email and reading it. These messages are usually sent in mass quantities, such as to hundreds of subscribers that have already signed up for an account on your blog and have opted in to receive emails.

4. Offer A New Feature Or Tool On Your Blog

When reaching a big article milestone, you could celebrate it by offering a new feature or tool on your blog. For example, after reaching 1000 articles, you could offer an ebook or a tool to celebrate it. You could say something like "We have celebrated our 1000th article by offering this new ebook". This is a useful way of increasing website traffic as these are likely to gain interest from visitors and encourage them to visit your blog again. Even though it can be time-consuming to build a new feature or tool, this is a good way of gaining interest from visitors and celebrating your article milestone.

5. Take A Break From Writing Articles

After reaching a big article milestone, it is best to take a break from writing articles on your blog for a few days or a week. Writing all of those articles takes a lot of work, research, and time, which is why that is a good time to have a break. You shouldn't start writing articles again until you definitely feel like you are ready and have had a long enough break. You should also tell visitors that you will be having a break from writing new articles by saying something like "After reaching 1000 articles, we will have a break from writing new articles. We won't write any new articles until (date)" on your homepage or on a social media post.

You don't have to completely stop maintaining your blog during your break. You can still maintain it, like moderating the new comments, replying to email messages, and proofreading previously written articles, but you can have a break from writing new articles until you feel like you are ready.


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