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Web Development 4 3 2 1

What Is DHTML?

Difficulty: Medium

Stands for Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language. DHTML refers to a combination of markup, stylesheet, and scripting languages used to make webpages interactive.

What Is The HTML Figcaption Tag

What Is The HTML <figcaption> Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

The <figcaption> is an optional tag used to define a caption for the <figure> tag.

What Is The HTML Figure Tag

What Is The HTML <figure> Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

The HTML <figure> tag is used to specify separate content that has no effect on the main flow of the article.

What Is The HTML Table Tag

What Is The HTML <table> Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

The HTML <table> tag is used to define a table within a HTML document, allowing data to be represented in columns and rows.

How To Make A Website

How To Make A Website?

Difficulty: Easy

Websites are an easy way of sharing your ideas, knowledge, thoughts, and services to people all around the world.

What Is The Noopener Attribute

What Is The Noopener Attribute?

Difficulty: Advanced

The noopener attribute is a HTML attribute used to prevent the external page from being able to gain access or tamper with the original page.

What Is The HTML a Target Attribute

What Is The HTML <a> Target Attribute?

Difficulty: Medium

The HTML <a> target attribute is used to specify where to open the linked page. If no target is specified, the link will open in the same frame.

What Is Code-To-Text Ratio

What Is Code-To-Text Ratio?

Difficulty: Medium

Code-to-text ratio is the percentage of a webpage that contains text compared to the amount of HTML markup needed to display it.

What Is The HTML b Tag

What Is The HTML <b> Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

The HTML <b> tag is found within the <body> tag and is used to make text bold without adding any extra importance to it.

What Is SSI

What Is SSI?

Difficulty: Advanced

Stands for Server-Side Includes. SSI is a World Wide Web scripting language used to include Apache executable instructions that are run by a web server.

What Is The HTML i Tag

What Is The HTML <i> Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

The <i> is used to define text in an alternative style from the normal text to differentiate specific words.


What Is XHTML?

Difficulty: Medium

XHTML is an XML-based version of HTML that extends HTML and XML and allows it to work with other data formats, such as XML.

What Is A Mirror Site

What Is A Mirror Site?

Difficulty: Medium

A mirror site, also known as a mirrored site, is an identical copy of another website located under a different URL.

What Is The HTML Br Tag

What Is The HTML Br Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

The HTML <br> tag is used to create a line break in a HTML document. It is useful when separate lines are required for text, such as when writing addresses, song lyrics, or poems.

What Is Hotlinking

What Is Hotlinking?

Difficulty: Medium

Hotlinking, also known as inline linking, is the process of linking to and displaying a resource, such as an image or video, hosted on an external server instead of the website owner downloading it and uploading it to their own server.

What Is A Deep Link

What Is A Deep Link?

Difficulty: Medium

A deep link is a hyperlink pointing to a specific page on a website (e.g.' rather than the homepage of a website (e.g. '').

What Is The HTML Strong Tag

What Is The HTML Strong Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

The HTML strong tag is used to define text with strong importance or urgency and improve readability.

What Is The HTML Body Tag

What Is The HTML Body Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

The HTML body tag is used to define the body of a HTML document. All the contents of a HTML document, such as the paragraphs, headings, images, tables, videos, lists, and hyperlinks are placed...

What Is Semantic Markup

What Is Semantic Markup?

Difficulty: Medium

Semantic markup, also known as semantic HTML is the use of HTML markup to effectively describe the meaning and purpose of page elements.

What Is The HTML Noscript Tag

What Is The HTML Noscript Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

In HTML, the noscript tag defines alternative content to be displayed if scripting is disabled or not supported in the user's web browser.

What Is The HTML Head Tag

What Is The HTML Head Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

The HTML head tag is a metadata container in a HTML document placed between the <html> and <body> tag.

What Is A HTML Paragraph

What Is A HTML Paragraph?

Difficulty: Medium

A HTML paragraph defines a block of text in a HTML document, supported by all web browsers, that always starts on a new line and web browsers automatically add a margin (whitespace) before and after a paragraph.

What Is XML

What Is XML?

Difficulty: Medium

Stands for Extensible Markup Language. XML is a markup language used for storing and transmitting data.

What Is Clickbait

What Is Clickbait?

Difficulty: Medium

Clickbait describes website content that is specifically intended to grab visitor's attention and encourage them to click on a link to a certain webpage.

What Is React

What Is React?

Difficulty: Advanced

React, also known as React.js or ReactJS, is an open-source and frontend JavaScript library used to quickly and efficiently build interactive user interfaces with much less code than JavaScript.

What Is A HTML Heading Tag

What Is A HTML Heading Tag?

Difficulty: Medium

A HTML heading tag can be defined as a HTML element that displays a title or subheading on a webpage. When placing text within a HTML heading tag, such as <h1>, it will make the text bold and increase the size.

What Is The DOM

What Is The DOM?

Difficulty: Advanced

Stands for the Document Object Model. The DOM is an API that defines the structure and content of documents on the Web, such as HTML and XML documents as well as the ways that they can be accessed and manipulated.

What Is JSON

What Is JSON?

Difficulty: Advanced

Stands for JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is a lightweight data format used for storing and transmitting structured data and is pronounced like the name 'Jason'.

What Is Node.js

What Is Node.js?

Difficulty: Advanced

Node.js is an open-source runtime environment used to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser. By using Node.js, developers can run JavaScript on both the client side and server side.

What Is jQuery

What Is jQuery?

Difficulty: Medium

jQuery is an open-source 'write less, do more' JavaScript library used to simplify JavaScript programming and make it easier for users to perform tasks on their websites by taking a lot of the common tasks that require a large number of lines.