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What Is A Permalink

What Is A Permalink?

Difficulty: Medium

A permalink is a static link that is designed to remain unchanged in the future and keep its name and structure in the future even if changes are made to the content of the page that they identify.

What Is Cornerstone Content

What Is Cornerstone Content?

Difficulty: Medium

Cornerstone content is the high-quality and core content of a website whose keywords are intended to rank higher on search engines than the other content and be broad and valuable for users.

What Is Referral Traffic

What Is Referral Traffic?

Difficulty: Medium

Referral traffic describes traffic that comes from people clicking hyperlinks from one website to another. Any traffic that comes from sites other than the major search engines...

What Is Video SEO

What Is Video SEO?

Difficulty: Medium

Video SEO is the process of optimising videos for a website so that they can be crawled, processed, understood, and indexed by Google, Bing, and other search engines more quickly.

What Is Image SEO

What Is Image SEO?

Difficulty: Medium

Image SEO is the process of optimising images for a website so that they can be crawled, processed, understood, and indexed by search engines more easily.

What Is Semantic Search

What Is Semantic Search?

Difficulty: Medium

Semantic search refers to a search engine's ability to understand the meaning behind a search query and display more relevant results even when...

What Is Search Engine Cache

What Is Search Engine Cache?

Difficulty: Medium

Search engine cache is a cache of webpages that can be viewed in SERPs. When a page is crawled, it collects the contents of the page in order for it to be indexed.

What Is Deep Link Ratio

What Is Deep Link Ratio?

Difficulty: Medium

Deep link ratio is the percentage of backlinks pointing to a specific page on a website rather than the homepage.

What Is Negative SEO

What Is Negative SEO?

Difficulty: Medium

Negative SEO involves a range of malicious techniques designed to lower a competitor’s site rankings in the search results.

What Is Local SEO

What Is Local SEO?

Difficulty: Medium

Local SEO is the process of optimising a website for local search results. The local search results are the businesses, products, or services that are listed...

What Is A Keyword Strategy

What Is A Keyword Strategy?

Difficulty: Medium

A keyword strategy is a plan to generate organic traffic from relevant keywords in order to achieve a certain goal.

What Are Google Webmaster Guidelines

What Are Google Webmaster Guidelines?

Difficulty: Medium

Google Webmaster Guidelines are the guidelines which cover best practices for Google finding, indexing, and ranking a website.

What Is A Private Blog Network

What Is A Private Blog Network?

Difficulty: Medium

A private blog network (PBN) is a group of websites controlled by a person or a group of people which are used to build backlinks to a single website.

What Is Link Stability

What Is Link Stability?

Difficulty: Medium

Link stability is about whether outbound links remain on a webpage for an extended period of time without any changes that could disrupt them, such as changing the URL.

What Is The Hreflang Attribute

What Is The Hreflang Attribute?

Difficulty: Medium

The hreflang attribute is used to define the country and language a page is designed to serve so that search engines can serve that result for users searching in that language.

What Is Grey Hat SEO

What Is Grey Hat SEO?

Difficulty: Medium

Grey hat SEO is an SEO practice that goes outside the rules of white hat SEO and is riskier but does not cause a website to be banned from search engines.

What Is White Hat SEO

What Is White Hat SEO?

Difficulty: Medium

White hat SEO refers to a range of ethical techniques that abide by the search engine guidelines and involve no deception.

What Is A Focus Keyword

What Is A Focus Keyword?

Difficulty: Medium

A focus keyword is a keyword that website owners want a page to rank for the most. As suggested in the name, focus keywords are the main keywords that a page is...

What Is An Exact Match Domain

What Is An Exact Match Domain?

Difficulty: Medium

An exact match domain (EMD) is a domain name that matches the same keywords a page is trying to rank for.

What Is Search Intent

What Is Search Intent?

Difficulty: Medium

Search intent is the reason why someone performed a specific search and can be known as the 'why' behind a search query.

What Is Thin Content

What Is Thin Content?

Difficulty: Medium

Thin content describes content that has little to no value for users. Since the content is not helpful to users, it will result in a poor user experience.

What Is A Rich Snippet

What Is A Rich Snippet?

Difficulty: Medium

A rich snippet is an enhanced snippet in the search results that contains additional information. The additional information could be structured data, such as the star rating...

What Is Exit Rate

What Is Exit Rate?

Difficulty: Medium

Exit rate is the percentage of visitors that exit a certain page after visiting any number of pages on the website. For example, if a visitor landed on Page A, clicked on...

What Is The Nofollow Attribute

What Is The Nofollow Attribute?

Difficulty: Medium

The nofollow attribute is a HTML attribute used to instruct search engine bots to ignore the URL and not follow it. If a website links to an external site...

What Is Keyword Prominence

What Is Keyword Prominence?

Difficulty: Medium

Keyword prominence refers to how prominent a keyword is within a webpage. The prominence of keywords is determined by how close they are to the beginning of the...

What Is An External Link

What Is An External Link?

Difficulty: Easy

An external link is a hyperlink pointing from one website to a different website located on a different domain name.

What Is Keyword Cannibalisation

What Is Keyword Cannibalisation?

Difficulty: Medium

Keyword cannibalisation happens when two or more pages on the same website are optimised for the same keywords and compete against each other for ranking.

What Is A Featured Snippet

What Is A Featured Snippet?

Difficulty: Medium

A featured snippet is a short snippet of text that appears right at the top of the Google's organic search results to quickly and clearly answer a searcher's question.

What Is A Manual Action

What Is A Manual Action?

Difficulty: Medium

A manual action is a temporary penalty issued by Google for violating their webmaster guidelines. These happen when a member of Google’s team has determined...

What Is Link Velocity

What Is Link Velocity?

Difficulty: Medium

Link velocity is the rate a page or a website is getting backlinks over a certain period of time. It is usually measured in the number of...