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What Is Riskware

What Is Riskware?

Difficulty: Medium

Riskware describes software that is not strictly malicious, but poses potential security risks due to software incompatibilities, security holes, or legal violations.

What Is A Backdoor

What Is A Backdoor?

Difficulty: Medium

A backdoor is a security vulnerability that allows an attacker to gain unauthorised remote access to the victim's computer without their permission or knowledge and bypass normal security mechanisms.

Why Is My Website Not Ranking Well On Google

Why Is My Website Not Ranking Well On Google? - 12 Possible Reasons Why Your Website Is Not Ranking Well On Google

Difficulty: Medium

Sometimes, it seems like you have put so much work into creating your content and optimising it for Google, but it just won't rank high enough for people to see and click on your result.

What Is A Rootkit

What Is A Rootkit?

Difficulty: Medium

A rootkit is a type of malware designed to give someone root or administrator-level access to a computer system without the user's permission or knowledge.

How To Remove A Computer Virus

How To Remove A Computer Virus? (Windows)

Difficulty: Medium

This article explores how you can get rid of a computer virus or other unwanted software on your computer and the steps you should take when your computer is infected with a virus.

How To Tell If A Download Is Safe

How To Tell If A Download Is Safe? - 8 Ways To Tell if A Download Is Safe

Difficulty: Easy

Wondering whether the file you have downloaded is safe before you open it? You may have had a time when you have received a file, but are just not sure of whether you can trust it.

What Is A Computer Worm

What Is A Computer Worm?

Difficulty: Medium

A computer worm is a type of malware that automatically spreads itself over a network and infects other computers without any interaction from the creators.

What Is A Zero-Day Vulnerability

What Is A Zero-Day Vulnerability?

Difficulty: Medium

A zero-day vulnerability, also known as a zero-day flaw, or a zero-day threat, is a security hole in a software program, operating system, website, web browser, hardware, or firmware, that...

What Is A Keylogger

What Is A Keylogger?

Difficulty: Medium

A keylogger is a type of spyware that records all keystrokes the user makes and sends that data to a third party. Keyloggers can record sensitive information, like usernames, passwords and bank details.

What Is Adware

What Is Adware?

Difficulty: Medium

Adware is a type of malware that displays unwanted ads on the victim's computer, often in their web browser, to generate revenue for the creator.

What Is Spyware

What Is Spyware?

Difficulty: Medium

Spyware is a type of malware that is designed to secretly monitor the victim's activity, gather information about them, and send it to a third party without their permission.

What Is Malware

What Is Malware?

Difficulty: Easy

Malware is specifically designed to harm a computer system. It is created with malicious intent to steal data, gain unauthorised access to...

What Is A Trojan Horse

What Is A Trojan Horse?

Difficulty: Medium

A Trojan horse, often shortened to a Trojan, is a type of malware that disguises itself as a safe and legitimate program when it actually performs malicious tasks.

What Is Ransomware

What Is Ransomware?

Difficulty: Medium

Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks access to a computer system or files until a sum of money is paid. Ransomware may encrypt your personal files so that...

What Domain Registrars Are Available

What Domain Registrars Are Available? - Top 7 Domain Registrars

Difficulty: Medium

Your domain name is the web address that appears in the address bar of a web address (e.g. is the domain name of this website). You can buy a domain from a domain registrar.

How To Implement A Search Feature On My Website

How To Implement A Search Feature On My Website?

Difficulty: Medium

A search feature on your website is essential as it allows visitors to easily find what they are looking for on your website based on the terms they are searching for.

What To Do If Someone Has Copied My Website Content Without Permission?

What To Do If Someone Has Copied My Website Content Without Permission?

Difficulty: Easy

If someone has copied your website or parts of your content without your permission, like whole pages and images, and taken credit for work that isn't theirs, it can be frustrating.

How To Host A Website On My Computer

How To Host A Website On My Computer?

Difficulty: Medium

It is possible to host a website on your computer without a third-party hosting provider. All you need is a computer that can act as a server...

How To Avoid Plagiarism Online

How To Avoid Plagiarism Online?

Difficulty: Medium

Plagiarism is becoming common when researching information online, especially in academic writing. Plagiarism is unethical and can result in consequences.

How To Prevent My Website Content From Being Copied

How To Prevent My Website Content From Being Copied? - 6 Ways To Prevent Your Website Content From Being Copied

Difficulty: Medium

Wondering how to prevent your website content from being copied by others without your permission? If you are very worried about someone else plagiarising your work and claiming that they created it...

How To Check A Page For Plagiarism

How To Check A Page For Plagiarism? - 5 Free Tools To Check A Page For Plagiarism

Difficulty: Medium

Plagiarism happens when you republish content from another source and use it as your own without citing it, which is unethical. Plagiarising content can result in consequences.

How Many Pages Should A Website Have

How Many Pages Should A Website Have?

Difficulty: Medium

The short answer to this question is that a website should have at least 5 pages in order for it to have enough opportunities to rank in the SERPs, allow it to be targeted for keywords, and for it to have enough information for visitors.

How To Write A Unique Blog Post

How To Write A Unique Blog Post? - 5 Ways To Write A Unique Blog Post

Difficulty: Easy

If a blog post is unique, it means that it is original and the same information is difficult to find elsewhere. Since the content cannot be easily found on other sites...

Should I Include The Date On A Blog Post

Should I Include The Date On A Blog Post?

Difficulty: Medium

The short answer to this question is that it is always recommended to include the date. On a blog post, the date the post was published is a useful piece of information.

How To Quickly Learn HTML

How To Quickly Learn HTML?

Difficulty: Medium

HTML is the most widely used markup language on the Web used to achieve font, graphics, and colour. If you want to develop a website, the first thing that you should learn is HTML.

How Many Words Should A Blog Post Have

How Many Words Should A Blog Post Have?

Difficulty: Easy

Sometimes, you might be wondering how many words a blog post should have. When deciding how many words your blog post should have...

How Often Should I Blog

How Often Should I Blog?

Difficulty: Easy

A big question that some bloggers ask is how often they should blog. The answer is that you should blog enough so that regular readers have enough new information to read on a regular basis.

What Is The Difference Between Google Search Console And Bing Webmaster Tools

What Is The Difference Between Google Search Console And Bing Webmaster Tools?

Difficulty: Medium

Both Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools are services that you can use to monitor the performance of your website in the search results.

What To Do When I Reach An Article Milestone On A Blog

What To Do When I Reach An Article Milestone On A Blog? - 5 Things You Should Do When You Reach An Article Milestone On Your Blog

Difficulty: Easy

There may be times when you are writing a blog and reach a big article milestone, like 100 articles, 500 articles, 600 articles, or 1000 articles. Did you know that most bloggers don't mention anything about it or celebrate it in any way?

What Is A Computer Mouse

What Is A Computer Mouse?

Difficulty: Easy

A computer mouse is a basic and widely used handheld input device used to control the pointer on the screen in order to directly interact with a graphical user interface (GUI).